Friday, October 2, 2009

dreams & coffee

Today I'm in love with cozies.

I think this a fantastic and eco friendly idea! Instead of wasting all those paper cozies for my coffee I may invest in a beautiful hand made one. Here are some faves:

Love this colors on this one

this simplicity of this one is what makes me smile
it would probably match one of my sweaters


I will have to invest in one of these cuties soon.

I am working towards my goal of becoming a photographer slowly but surely. I've recruited a few clients to take some practice shots, I found some courses that I plan to take to bring my skills to the next level, and most of all I am so motivated to do this. I can't be stuck in a job I don't love my whole life. I am so lucky to have a fiance that truly believes in me and supports what I want to do. Well, fiance will be husband in 28 days.


1 comment:

FEDERICA said...

Oh these are sooo cute!
Greetings from Italy!